Friday, December 6, 2013

With interactive teaching learning process is organized in such a way that almost all students are

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Interactive training - a special form of organization bankruptcy of cognitive activity with specific goals that can predict Vat. One of these goals - creating a comfortable learning environment bankruptcy in which the student feels his success, including intellectual, making productive learning process itself.
In his pedagogical practice using interactive methods for over 10 years. During this time I participated in an international educational project "Man and the World," with the qualification of the teacher-multiplier to use interactive methods of teaching social and humanities, as well as passed the target course bankruptcy training "Using interactive teaching methods in the training."
With interactive teaching learning process is organized in such a way that almost all students are involved in a process of learning, are able to understand and to reflect about what they know and think. Joint activities of students in the learning process, development of educational material means that each individual makes the contribution is an exchange of knowledge, ideas, modes of activity. It happens in an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual support, which allows not only to acquire new knowledge, but also develops the cognitive activity itself, it translates into higher forms of cooperation and collaboration.
Interactive methods are based on the principles of cooperation, the activity of students, reliance on group experience, mandatory feedback. Creates an environment bankruptcy of educational relations, which is characterized by openness, interaction of the participants, bankruptcy the equality of their arguments, the accumulation of general knowledge, the possibility of mutual evaluation and control.
Not everyone is ready to use interactive methods, because they require a different position of the teacher in the classroom. Activity teacher gives students a place of activity, its task is to create conditions bankruptcy for their initiative. He serves bankruptcy as an assistant in the work, one of the sources of information. The teacher does not provide ready-made knowledge and encourages students to independent research. Compared with the traditional forms of employment, changes bankruptcy in interactive learning interaction of teachers and students. The concept of "interactive" is derived from the English "interact" ("inter" - mutual, "act" - act). The impact of the object becomes the subject of student interaction, he is actively involved in the learning process, in accordance with their individual route. The main distinguishing feature of interactive bankruptcy teaching methods - this initiative of students, which stimulates a teacher assistant positions partner. Course and outcome of learning bankruptcy becomes bankruptcy personal significance for all participants in the process bankruptcy and allows you to develop students' ability to solve the problem yourself. When using interactive methods student becomes a full participant in the process of perception, his experience is the main source of academic knowledge.
A characteristic feature of interactive methods - a high level of one-directional activity of subjects interaction, emotional, spiritual unity of participants. When using interactive methods of the teacher's role is changing dramatically, ceases to be the center, bankruptcy it only regulates and deals with its overall organization prepares in advance the necessary tasks and formulates questions or topics for discussion in groups, advises, monitors the time and order of execution of the plan.
V.A.Suhamlinski said that the best teacher - one who forgets that he is a teacher. Cost teacher to show real interest, forget that it is "up" and "be close", as students respond, have shown an interest in communication. Children have to enter into communication with each other, work together to solve tasks, overcome conflicts, find common ground and compromise.
Interactive methods I use when organizing lessons and extracurricular activities. For example, in the 11th grade at a lesson on "Environmental factors" I suggest students to recall baby New Year song "Fiddler on the Roof" (you can sing along). Then in groups to draw all the characters, bankruptcy rank them and give these groups names. For example, inanimate objects - a blizzard, snow, frost, live - herringbone, hare, wolf, horse, human, human activity - a man cut down the Christmas tree. So the students are introduced to the biotic, abiotic and anthropogenic factors. And it turns out that the song, familiar from childhood - a song for the environment. Using the lesson interactive teaching methods, each time I give students assignments that can be called non-standard. These tasks differ from the traditional (standard) job at close

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