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All regions where works effectively methodical tramer service, like one another. Conversely, those regions where this service exists only nominally, have special problems. Find out how well the works methodical service in the region, it is possible for several key indicators. First, how creative teachers are actively involved in various activities (from the district to the national level), are able to broadcast their experience and how this experience is in demand. Secondly, what progress has been made in teachers working with gifted children as those successfully participate in intellectual, athletic and artistic competitions. Third, there are many events held in the area, which invite colleagues from the region of the country. And fourthly, as educators in the region to actively interact with each other, know each other. These indicators we have identified together with Lyubov Charpakovay, head of the education department of the Borisov RVMK executive committee during our last meeting. From myself I have added one measure: how fast and informative can provide information on any area of teacher employees methodical study.
With representatives of the IUD Borisov district, namely LS Charpakovay, working a long time, and for himself noted how quickly the local Methodists tramer and gladly respond to proposals journalist to write about them or teachers to participate in the activities. That is why the educational system in the pages of Borisov Teachers' newspaper tramer "it is often enough. Lyubov Charpakova - Methodist with great experience, for his work is marked by numerous vzgagarodami has honorary title honors education Byelorussian SSR, USSR Education honors, awarded diplomas USSR and BSSR. With a smile as she notices a woman, methodical tramer work she was doing all of his great work life (total 47 years teaching experience and 26 of them - in the Department tramer of Education). WMC Borisov tramer district Lyubov headed since 2006, since its inception. But so far, wherever they work - in school history teacher or deputy director of methodical work, or educational work, in the department of education or school inspector tramer leading organizer - all helping teachers improve their professional level, sum up experience, distribute it. Lyubov remembers how methodical service developed in the Soviet "perestroika" times, recalls abandoned district methodical service. But then the representatives of the administration of educational institutions Borisov went to the authorities with a proposal to revive the city methodical service. They were even willing to sacrifice some of their bets in favor of the service. tramer Teachers who have good experience of interaction with the methodical service, celebrate their great help and a positive part in his professional life. Others just complain and say that they need Methodists. Their opinions are dependent on experience. But still a definite link between a successful operation of the system tramer of education in the region and work methodical service exists. If methodical service tramer is strong, then the education system will be at the forefront. That care and success methodical service workers in the region was the subject of our conversation with L.S.Charpakovay.
- Lyubov, what experts are now working in the methodical study? How do you solve one of the problematic issues methodical service - providing professional staff? - At this time in our work RVMK 16 specialists. Among them I (head office), my deputy A.A.Kochyk, two chiefs of departments, heads of the three sectors and Methodists. All Methodists have higher education. Most professionals - teachers with vyysheyshay and first qualifying categories. Without teaching qualification category 5 people. All of our specialists - great people not only by their personal qualities, but also professional. With rich experience of methodical work, I imagine, tramer of the teachers who can work in this area, I spend with them individual interviews, motivate. We are pleased that some of our Methodists today work in the area in various positions. Our methodical study even called source tramer of manpower for the department of education. If we formally tramer look at the numbers, how many and what qualification category we employ people, not familiar with them, then, of course, one might get the impression that RVMK work reprobate. In that case they can give teachers? Why do they do? In fact, our Methodists - really obsessed with his work people. tramer This is not just my opinion, and many of his colleagues and from the area. Our Methodists were all good teachers, but also here in the methodical study, knowledge
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