1: (Okayama) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 17:48:29.69 ID Topesuishida: for Mao Asada, which aims to gold medal of recommendations earnest desire I want you to aim a scoring method that is easy to understand ... WoKJ4fir0 in figure por skating, the biggest rival trend of Kim Yu Na is will place to be worried about. It's where you become a gold medalist of the Sochi Olympics, I want to retire, but the rival is not tricky. Kim Jonah competed international competitions, the Golden Spin executed in Zagreb, Croatia at about the same time the GP final. Short program of the 6th Mark 73.37 points which is the world's best this season. Won the high score of 204.49 por points total to slip back to a song word "Adios Nonino" is free of the 7th, with a hand in the jump, but Tatakidashi a high score of 131.12 por points. You are confident in consecutive Olympics and "I want to close with a form refers to the end of the carrier at the Sochi Olympics." Depth of the pressure and the game environment because something totally different in another spin and Golden GP final, comparison can not be used as a simple scoring of Kim Yu Na of Golden and spin scores of Asada the GP final. However, score score. It is not played even once in the GP series this season in failure of the foot, towards the goal of Kim Jonah game intuition even that would not back will be a top, I can not help wondering. In the past, look at the score of Jonah Kim and Asada, a person holding a suspicious feeling would be many. The Vancouver Olympics, a total of short, free, Kim Yu Na won the gold medal in 228.56 points greatly exceeds 205.50 points Asada Mao flew triple Axel twice in free. In addition, scores of free barrage was a mistake, has exceeded that of Asada in the world championship of the immediately following. por The more there is that the scoring of figure skating was held in the Salt Lake Olympics once lead to suspicion, scoring methods have changed, the method of scoring figure is Kikikaikai. The full text http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20131212-00000033-dal-spo por http://up.gc-img.net/post_img_web/2013/12/e1dfcbf177d00f551884eb6754b7e4b2_335.jpeg http in the source: / / livedoor.blogimg.jp/defugon/imgs/4/c/4c8e8ac6.jpg http://img.news-us.jp/fuckorea/kimoyona/13864245600001.jpg
(Tokyo) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 17:49:50.13 ID knee ligaments compaction: (Fri) 12:10:00.00 ID 2013/12/13 pot of Recommended por Articles @ Geino: por 000000000 4 0 : better, zBQbAotG0 Kameda or strong 145 game: in rbd908BI0 >> 4 decision Kameda 6: (Shiga) por 2013/12/12 por (Thu) 21:07:49.74 ID Kinniku por Buster jumping power bomb (mushroom) 2013/12 / 9 story can be seen if you think that the gold = PGAbLR/v0 points: Kawazu dropped (Niigata) por 2013/12/12 (Thu) 17:51:32.47 ID: amount of 7 IQdkp3vSP back metal: 12 (Thu) 17:51:26.57 ID : Jai A + Dpab/M0 slush fund is not enough: Red ink (Tibet Autonomous Region) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 17:52:04.30 ID! ! ! 11: Half-Nelson Suplex (Mie) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 17:52:07.50 por ID: When you are in such a bother 20 useless defect competition this QoE7kZA90 If you see some of you to do as well: Texas Clover Hold (Hokkaido) I mean, once the image is good My4Ng2w60, and I, the great Olympics 21 mon inappropriate Nantes peace scoring competition lifetime: 2013/12/12 (Thu) 18:03:22.86 ID arm lock cross hold (Xinjiang) 2013 / Hey I should por be published in detail information and the surrounding cebY3yiT0 referee (Bo読 27: 12/12 (Thu) 18:03:36.27 ID vertical-fall por DDT (dion Army) 2013/12/12 (Thu) Driver sodomy (SB-iPhone) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 18:06:19.73 ID::? wife of evIZt5mMP out is figure skating otaku 18:05:53.68 ID: 28 would be good nu1JGVq80 feet is not the rise in, I detailed tying but not get a clear answer even hear. would do such because do not know even if the description is too advanced maybe but. Speaking to Long story short, the basic point of the technique to declare seems to be high. of what to elaborate por Although it is tea, but 39: (Tokyo) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 18:12:15.81 ID diving foot stamp: deduction number por of if you failed to declare when you acting only difficult skill 1t0huUEs0 >> 28 fixed result , 32 that those who failed por the skill high degree of difficulty is high I is the final result: it was in the Olympic sport ctJ0uxBM0 scoring game:? (Saga) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 18:08:39.90 ID soccer ball kick 36 Thats can not fake Once you clearly 4CcJQFoX0:: (Miyazaki) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 18:10:48.60 ID 32 sentences rocket (Tokyo): King Kong knee drop 2013/12/34 is probably the mistake por Jumping Power Bomb (dion Army) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 18:21:21.54 ID:: 47 Do not, but easy-to-understand meaning there zoRfKWbm0: 12 (Thu) 18:11:16.88 ID. 48 sk0ml5Z3P all Fri: sodomy driver por ( dion Army) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 18:22:02.74 ID: I do not know pluaJG98P por Kim is the best reason, but other players also I stopped to see another from Funiochinai por often including Asada 52: Jumping DDT ( I'll also pushes HvxWmZ4y0 how much, if you are satisfied with Won 56: Kyoto) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 18:27:54.22 ID Nagata Lock II (Shiga Prefecture) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 18:36: Asada itself is about being unreasonably high in the first place i2RZB/5/0: Burning Hammer (Osaka) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 18:41:54.33 ID: 61 Okoranwa even see anymore Ki defect por competition this SC6pHt9n0: 10.94 ID w not felt intelligence 63 from less of O0ZSy9Uw0 >> 61 you: middle cliff-type knee drop (Aichi) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 18:48:15.72 ID: w 65 such not to Netouyo pointed out It was said ugly ugly it was great, but the point Midori Ito http:/ Do not do not I 'll awesome amateur 1dLO5RzK0 even look: (Saitama) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 18:45:30.62 ID kick / sportiva.shueisha.co.jp/contents/whattoday/entry_img/midoro-001.jpg 66: well Nantes 4ggBdzWs0 expressive power: (soft bank) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 18:48:18.58 ID half nelson suplex I'll able to compete with the accuracy and degree of difficulty of the skill that I do not know 68: 78 more Wakaranzo Rating rPMDpjOV0 Kameda Boxing:. Nagata Lock II (Kansai region) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 18:49:43.48 ID sneak attack ( Tibet Autonomous Region) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 19:03:30.73 ID: You gain nQPexvWF0 Fri country por that does not piled gold at the Olympic host country probably commonplace ww 85 Did you have: (Miyazaki) por Midnight Express 2013/12 / The wonder of a deduction system as a MAX Kim, Kim So even if the moss How much 100 points 91 scoring criteria of fe + rcwRh0 now: 12 (Thu) 19:15:46.16 ID and strip mask (empty) 2013/12/12 Fixtures with Kim and Kameda 4ey0y5W60: (Aichi) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 19:27:59.14 ID shoulder arm Bleecker: 94 wonder that the same kind as the strength of ohM18EXwi Kameda: (Thu) 19:25:35.51 ID 's Mixed Martial Arts game to be addressed, Yao degree of which is higher or 99:! Issue idiot point higher than boys in HQ + OqlpiP Kim: sodomy driver (mushroom) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 19:33:28.48 ID Because I was 105 I'll feel distrust sky: because match-fixing that you are buying the number of jury IlOSq6qbP gold 112: (Tibet Autonomous Region) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 19:40:54.13 ID jumping power bomb. jumping power bomb (Tokyo) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 19:53:23.79 ID: You have moss Maochan in h + JVCmliP GPF, but I was a landslide victory like, really Hanyu also 115 competition that'm a mystery: Spider German (Hokkaido) 2013/12/12 http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20131209/13/bangkokoyaji/ec/9d/j Additional Na because artistic would also be naturally fell way of 2QNQuHJ30 Kim Jonah: (Thu) 19:55:36.45 ID / 120 o0599029112775259526.jpg: Harite: 123 Mao Asada of three half turns craftsman por Yaro going to be Butch cut top when clarity SeGGHHTs0: (Xinjiang) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 20:16:06.64 ID knee cross compaction (baldness) 2013/12/12 por (Thu) 20:26:45.90 ID: is said 03xjoecY0 Kim and is great acting skills than Mao, but acting force until there is a difference between a good foreign players in the Mao-chan other than horror of KRQjBrfb0 Kim comes down to that of absolute champions win by taking the high score will be given pratfall:. (soft bank) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 20:49:05.46 ID Western por lariat 133: you do not know it's stick Tigers over plex (Shimane) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 20:55:31.89 ID:: 135 is still a power network of contacts 143 dreadfulness likely 7 + LpypkP0 figures: Big boots (Tokyo) 2013/12/12 (Thu 100,000 1cpygzphO 0.1 point: por (Kanto and Tokai) 2013/12/12 por (Thu) 21:14:09.89 ID chair attack: 21:06:52.79 ID): 152 guy that yGDCE0Ns0 scoring would not be well understood wonder a Bu~tsuKon a terrifically hard-earned tax money of the people QD41PSIB0 Korea to meet the self-esteem of the Korean people 159: 153: Falcon Arrow (Fukuoka) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 21:15:37.97 ID ankle hold ( West) 2013/12/12 (Thu) 21:43:45.03 ID: vNiQIHuNO Kim is 163 inferior to that of the level of skill Asada because low, even after a perfect performance, no matter how basic point of the technique is Na'm low : Stardust Press (Kansai and Tokai) 2013/12/12 por (Thu) 21:46:46.39 ID: Nantes xQP + BoGd0 sport wonder what can be bought with money for Korea 168: Torasukikku (soft bank) 2013/12/12 (Thu 21:50:16.88 ID): That is why ambiguity of kimchi gold you look less of sUBCFZ/B0 here and Ne w 174 will become the competition this: soccer Bo
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