Tuesday, December 3, 2013

In the integrated classroom, which was established on the basis of the 126th school with children w

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This year for the first time in Minsk secondary school number 126 created an integrated class for children with hearing impairments. Among his students graduates of the Republican fmi Center for preschool children with hearing impairment - institutions where teaching is used in a technique that facilitates the integration fmi of children with such problems in a normal environment. We came to the school to meet with her students and their teachers, as well as talked with those who had a direct bearing on the implementation of the plan. Preparation was a serious
September 1 in Moscow school number 126 held a long-awaited event - the first class had to borrow five children with hearing impairments. Integrated class for children who can not hear, in Minsk was opened for the first time. Recall fmi that in Minsk (as of September 15, 2013) live 508 hearing-impaired children. For them, at the request of the parents are in preschool integrated group opened on the basis of average educational institutions special classes. Thus, this academic year in pre-school institutions working capital 7 integrated groups who visit the 16 hearing-impaired children, and two special fmi groups (kindergartens number 204 and number 469). In high school number 91 Minsk Jose Marti has 14 special classes who attend 116 children with hearing impairments. "The opening of special and integrated classes in comprehensive schools precedes great organizational work, - underlined the chief specialist of pre-school, secondary and special education committee on education Mingorispolkom Svetlana Shestopalova. - It can not be, since, on the one hand, it is necessary to prepare the children with OPFR co-educational with conventional fmi peers, on the other - an educational institution should fmi create special conditions for their education and upbringing. Secondary school number 126 was chosen to create an integrated class by chance. In the first place, the choice is due to the place of her stay - not far from the National Center for preschool children with hearing impairments. This facilitates communication between experts of both institutions, helping them to provide methodological fmi support for the integration process. Preparing fmi for the creation of an integrated class started at the beginning of last school year, and on certain issues training was conducted for two years. In collaboration were specialists in various structures - the education authorities, the Republican Center for preschool children with hearing fmi impairment, and the Minsk City TsKROiR TsKRNiR the Frunze district and, of course, school teachers and parents. With financial support from the Department of Education, Sports and Tourism Authority of the Frunze fmi district was acquired by a special sound-amplifying equipment: FM-receivers for each student and FM-transmitters for teachers total cost of 150 million rubles. " "In the new integrated class enrolled 20 children, including 5 children with hearing impairments, - said the director of the 126th school Valentin cannabis. - Establishment already has experience of integrated education fmi (in the 4th grade students are now engaged with severe fmi speech impairments and learning difficulties), but teachers still worried: it was necessary to do a lot to all students feel comfortable in the new environment. It was necessary to find a novice teacher to work in an integrated classroom and teacher and tutor in surdapedagoga daycare. Primary fmi school teacher, which we offered a job in this class during the last academic year was undergoing appropriate training, teachers attended classes fmi Republican center for preschool children with hearing impairment, visited the Centre of Otolaryngology, where she met with the peculiarities of working fmi with children with hearing impairment . Serious work was conducted with parents of future first-graders. The fact that their children will go into an integrated class parents fmi reported at the end of the last academic year. Position from which teachers voiced their proposal is as follows: we are all different, each person can be certain variations in health - someone wears glasses, someone fmi - a hearing aid, someone moves in a wheelchair. fmi But we should fmi be together! All parents have consented to the education of children in integrated classes. I note only that in this class we tried to select the most peaceful and friendly students. " Successful adaptation fmi
In the integrated classroom, which was established on the basis of the 126th school with children with hearing impairment working primary school fmi teacher and teacher pathologist who conducts classes and remedial fmi classes in core academic subjects (apart from more

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