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A few days ago the Ministry nko of Education held a meeting of the National Council of heads of institutions of preschool education, dedicated to improving nko the quality of the educational process in the pre-school nko institutions. Participants of the event spoke about the priorities of the kindergartens, affected personnel problem institutions, trends in cooperation with parents, the situation with the provision of paid educational services in public and private preschools. Toward increasing quality
In the beginning of the event Head of preschool education ministry Albina L. Davidovich said the priority actions of preschool education in 2013/2014 academic year. The first of them - ensuring access to quality pre-school education. Today it is possible nko due to the development of various forms of education organizations, including government agencies, for a fee, as well as by stimulating the creation of pre-school institutions of private ownership. In addition, it is necessary in accordance with the planned indicators nko at the appropriate nko level to keep building new preschools. In turn, the government (departments) of education, educational institutions must promptly inform the public of the availability of priority when settling in the gardens and on the procedure for registration of children in need of preschool. Parents nko should also be aware of public expenditure on the maintenance of the achievements of pupils and preschool education specific region. The second direction of development - providing health-processes in pre-school institutions. For this purpose it is necessary to increase the responsibility of their leaders for safety of cadets. It is important to introduce institutions computer programs to analyze standards for child nutrition, nko compiling daily menu and a menu of requirements, which would correspond to taste pupils. It is important to maintain the proper level of interaction gardens with public health to improve the medical, psychological and pedagogical support for each child. nko The third direction - improving the quality of the educational process. For this purpose it is necessary to provide methodological support institutions to implement the curriculum of preschool education, to organize the work in accordance with the educational system standards. Need to optimize the number of documents in the institutions and above all pay attention to experimental and innovative project that is necessary to improve nko their quality, and to provide educational institutions editions officially approved or admitted as an appropriate form of textbooks recommended by the Ministry of Education and Research Department. Should nko pay attention to the education of the state symbols of pride for our country and to respect them, to create conditions for the promotion and expansion of the scope of use of the Belarusian language in kindergartens, to intensify efforts to improve psychological and pedagogical culture of the parents. The fourth direction of preschool nko education - providing them with qualified personnel, improving the social status of teachers. To achieve this, it is necessary to create conditions nko for training (including on a budgetary basis) of teachers who do not have adequate education, as well as to confirm and enhance nko their skills. It is also important to provide material support to caregivers and teachers aides, relevant experience on this issue in the executive bodies already there. Positive image, motivation and demand
"Unfortunately, nko preschool education today is not fully staffed teaching staff, - marked the topic head preschool child development center number 5 Vitebsk Ludmila Lagunova. - The low social status of teachers over the years resulted in a significant outflow of qualified personnel. Another problem is that some of our employees do not have a special pre-school education. In our center, I must say, the situation is no worse than 96.6% of the teachers have a degree in teaching, of which 85.9% - higher preschool. And all because we found a way to solve the problem. First, educators nko have created a motivation for retraining based on Vitebsk State University PMMasherova and Academy of postgraduate education in the specialty "Early childhood education". In our center, the highest qualification category has 36% of teachers, 4% plan to get it in 2014. Secondly, the problem is solved by organizing faculty training and retraining VSU name PMMasherova visiting teams to train teachers in the regions. Today there are 2 such training cargo
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