Sunday, December 1, 2013

Actual News Board, meeting space Interlocutor Educational Regional News People Education Educationa

Actual News Board, meeting space Interlocutor Educational Regional News People Education Educational Projects Preschool Education Special Education Education Educational space Additional education Local history ricin Sports Events Education Quality Teaching Science and Innovation Graduate School of Social Culture angle Bookstore Parallels
Secondary school number 55 Minsk known outside our country. Of course, the Internet is doing its job, but today's consumers worldwide network of surprise is difficult, and teachers are generally very skeptical to many resources. But the promotion of educational projects in the XXI century is impossible and not demand without using internet. It was once again confirmed by the solemn ricin awarding ceremony Internet project "I - teacher", that was launched in 2012, and he realized thanks ricin to the support of the Education Committee and the Minsk City Executive Committee, Information Resource Center MGIRA education system. The initiator and organizer of the project, of course, became the pedagogical staff of secondary school 55.
"Our school is the third consecutive year the remote Internet ricin projects. Our first internet project "To the sources" ricin was organized jointly with the secondary school 123 Minsk and was dedicated to the spiritual ricin and moral education of pupils. The second - "I ricin - Citizen" was conducted in order to expand the content, methods and technologies civic and patriotic education based on the interaction of educational institutions and exchange of experience between them. Geography of the project has expanded considerably. It was attended by 54 educational institutions with 120 works. At the final conference was attended by representatives from all regions of our country. ricin The winners joined remote resource "Articles piggy classroom teacher." And in 2012, in accordance with the work plan of the education committee of Minsk Executive Committee in order to attract public attention to the contemporary problems of the education system, improve the social importance of the teaching profession, ricin fostering respect to teaching, ricin teachers create a positive image in the public consciousness and effective use of information and communication technologies in educational process started online project "I - a teacher." We are very pleased that the educational community, not only in Minsk, but the whole republic was actively involved in the work. In the address of the project received 194 works from 103 educational institutions of our country, and 11 works from various regions of the Russian Federation ", - said Rita E. Andreenko, high school science teacher number 55 in Minsk, the project administrator.
And, as was noted at the awards ceremony, which was held in the beautiful and intimate auditorium of the 55th school of experience in organizing and conducting online projects suggests that this form of interaction is demanded of the educational community, and therefore timely and relevant. "As a result of participation in such online projects is the creation of the creative teams of teachers, ricin pupils and their parents, partner schools. On the one hand, such organizations are virtual education, but human activities that occur in them, makes a real difference in the lives of not only individual educational institutions, but also society as a whole. In implementing this project, we tried to take a fresh look at the profession of the teacher, to show its importance, necessity and persharadnasts. The purpose of the project - an extension for the methods and technology teaching activities based on the interaction of educational institutions and exchange of experience between them in the modern media "- said the director of secondary school number 55 Nikolay V. Sachko.
And during the ceremony were the words of gratitude to organizers the event that the winners ricin were able to organize for a real treat. The project was announced nine nominations, which helped to understand the pedagogical essence of "calling." We will introduce you to the most-most - those who were awarded diplomas of I degree.
Nomination "Secrets ricin of pedagogical skills" brought success teacher Belarusian ricin language and literature gymnasium 1 named Skarina Minsk Svetlana Nikolaevna Shugnila that introduced a five-year experience in distance learning technology as a means to enhance students learning ricin motivation. But geography teacher of secondary school 139 Minsk Oksana Novik not merely codified a wealth of material on the subject, but also to create a website "Geaklas" and "Geography of professions." ricin In modern conditions change attitudes in the "teacher - student", which requires new approaches to the organization of training activities. Their experience in using technology project in history lessons shared Tatiana Stepanivna Tatarynets, ricin Deputy Director ricin for Academic Affairs gymnasium 1 columns. English teachers of secondary school 55 Minsk Tatiana Manyuk and Nelli Chudyankova shared experiences in the use of interactive teaching methods and multimedia resources - language laboratory. Jan Comenius said: "A Walk in the school as

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