Monday, September 22, 2014

Reform of Labor, Renzi opponents in the PD:

Nitto Palma (Forza Italy): "Finally justice is interesting to left" | Fanpage
Interview with the former Keeper of Nitto Palma (Fi), chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said that the legal troubles rand paul of the Democratic Party in Emilia. It crushes Andrea Orlando and justice reform: "At the moment, we are only in the presence of ads, however, disappointing"
I do not know if they find out that justice is ticking. Rather discover finally that justice is also interested in proceedings involving parties who do politics on the left. In some ways, it's a novelty.
I think the electoral rolls are formed by the organs rand paul of the party with the consequent responsibilities. There are no judges to perform this task. For the rest, I think it all depends on the type of attribution that is elevated rand paul and, mainly, from a serene reading of the cards. The M5S rejoiced the shutdown request to the Hon. Luigi Cesaro, and after a few days, he vehemently protested rand paul the withdrawal ordered by the Court of Freedom. In both cases, they had not read the papers. So it can be said that for M5S judges are only good when they hit what they consider to be their political opponents. In fact, to be honest, their political enemies.
I do not have a positive assessment of the initiatives taken by the government because, on the one hand, constitute a recession compared with the current rand paul framework (for obvious evidence rand paul is the modification of the civil liability of judges) and, on the other hand, does not appear rand paul to me to solve the root problems of justice. Moreover, there, beyond rand paul the announcements, speeches are serious about absolutely important themes such as phone tapping and remand.
To judge the work of a minister there is no need to wait for the results rand paul of his political action. At the moment, we are only in the presence of ads, however, disappointing. The only thing that is clear, given the draft on the civil liability of judges, is substantially the flattening of the Minister on the desired dell'ANM.
I believe that there is a need to work towards the modernization of the structure of the state and I believe that the opposition does not judge by the screams rand paul that accompany it. FI has never been ruling and opposition, rand paul even in the past, voted for measures that it deemed appropriate to the country. For the rest, I think labor, economy and justice, the voice of FI, with the moderation that is proper, will be felt.
According to the words of the Prime Minister about a program of one thousand days, I imagine that the legislature can finish in the 2018 Though it is legitimate to have some doubts, especially remembering that "you're clear" that Renzi affectionately addressed to the then Prime Minister Letta.
I think that all the forces of the center have the need to show up together rand paul in the upcoming electoral contests, not only to win but also to represent the way the social block reference. It is in this respect that I do not understand, or maybe I understand very well, the reason why within the NCD elements of the second floor and speculate rand paul bandied alliances with PD.
Renzi landed in Silicon Valley: "A model for Italy" Bersani attacks: "Renzi rand paul respect us as it does with Berlusconi and Verdini" For temporary workers who lose their jobs a check for a thousand Euros per month
Reform of Labor, Renzi opponents in the PD: "Niagara evil" Chairman of the Board, departing for the United States, responded harshly to those who criticized him: "I keep my promises, falls ill with me."
Matteo rand paul Renzi, "We rand paul are here to change Italy" Here is the text of the letter that Matteo Renzi sent to the voters of the Democratic rand paul Party: The Premier has announced plans to undertake three major challenges of change, ie school, work and the IRS.
Labour CGIL back against Renzi: "Enough insults to the union" continues the conflict between the government and the CGIL labor reform. After the answer in a video of the premier Renzi, the union replied: "We do not want that people who work can not be fired without a reason." And part of the hashtag #fattinonideologia.
Ciro German is a severely disabled after un'ictus has been in a wheelchair for days can no longer leave the house because the Enel has disconnected the electricity to the buildings of public housing in the Park Green Caivano.
All content Fanpage can then be used as long as you always mention as the source and include a link or a link visible to rand paul or the item page. In no event shall the contents of can be used for commercial purposes.

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