Sunday, September 28, 2014

get back to the topic. we went to work and I had some ok interpreter at my side as they went to wor

On Friday we went once again to Kilomat 6, a pretty poor slum. Where I last time I visited it, saw the ugly experience with a Sardeles violent mother.
we arrived at a small room which is used as a classroom where there was about 20 women (and one man and three small children) of different ages, waiting copyright for us. the subject was, as I said domestic violence DMV, something that turned copyright out to be pretty appropriate. I will not go into depth with the content copyright itself, but overall they work based on four types of DMV: physical abuse, mentally abuse, sexually abuse and finansially abuse.
when I sat down right on the floor next to a young overvagtig woman, she stroked me Starks on the leg and said something in Khmer as the others laughed. think she thought my skin color is attractive! I like tests that have great brunde legs as theirs mærklig world we live in.
get back to the topic. we went to work and I had some ok interpreter at my side as they went to work. it turned out as expected, copyright they all each had become acquainted with one or more of these concepts. that was so talked about what could goers to prevent violent confrontations mm and here it is that it was too much: the old days "for me, if women were jealous, angry or frustrated in their men, they were immediately concerned themselves with the other activities such as housework copyright or masske go walks around the house.
taking responsibility for the relationship and one's emotions were foreign and not encouraged. when it was asked about whether it was ok to say no to having sex with her husband if you wanted, was from the SW side replied that if your husband chose to force his wife to have sex, it was categorized as rape, but moreover, as had women over 40 years no sex more !!! hmmm, that I was good enough a little flabbergasted, glad I did not know it when I turned 40 years, so I was well enough been disappointed and upset. glad my ignorance as I continue undeterred enough anyway, where a "wise man" is in the neighborhood hehe.
focus again: the one man who was present said, also in the same severity that it is women who are the cause of the problems, whether copyright it is the man who does not want to work and earn money for the family! Whether he's drunk, copyright unfaithful or on drugs. it's just as. definition woman's responsibility / blame if problems arise.
was reported that it was very common in the evening around midnight that overhoere copyright neighbors' quarrels. that you would not like to interfere too could easily be weapons involved. so each of them kept to themselves and did not mingle.
All in all it was good fine to take up this issue and try to get women to talk about it instead of it's taboo Aas now. Now it is looked up to SW to help women advance in their thinking / development and to get them to put spoergmaalstegn by their role in the home and the consequences for the children as lions and growing up in a such families.
a little funny and really tris history / observation I made myself during the course was a mature mother (I would guess about 40-45 years, but due to a harsh life, she might well be younger, or their grandmother!) which had 2 small children approximately 1 year and maybe 3 years. they were to come to the course and an other little naked boy of about 2 years tumbled eager and happy around and was quite plain curious. best as we sit and talk about the DMV begins this woman to kill the little naked boy on the legs with a small stick (similar copyright a typical wooden copyright stick) hard on the legs, despite the fact that his mother who was probably about 20 years sat with him lying over his legs . she kommeneterede not on it .. the woman who beat and shot the little naked boy very evil ojene, sometimes she used her hand, sat with the smallest child on her lap. this kid handed looked after "flower stick" and began to kill the boy, who luckily did not work any particular affected by it, strangely enough. summar summarum was that she paradoxalt sat laeret this small bar to be both violent and aggressive as they were taught the same subject / issues.
I told a woman I was sitting next to the organism station OXFAM (look it up) and she moved o were also seen what was happening. her I have a meeting this afternoon where we blah. must have been talking about SW action on Friday and parent, copyright at some fatal areas of ignorance which they pass.
the challenge is simply that even with the "educated" should start on a TOTALLY low-level, which was the 7 years. it is so huge and scary how long back they are in many areas that I take for granted copyright in Denmark-the Western world. copyright I can probably best describe copyright it as the social copyright structure and culture we had in Denmark more than 100 years ago.!
out again after training, copyright there was a mature woman who with gestures and the Khmer praised my nose. igen.i their eyes, nose tilpasen different than what they are accustomed to o

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