Spain's Socialist government has received a flash of fire from unions, republica immigrant groups and opposition parties, the labor minister said that work visas are granted to foreign low-skilled jobs in Spain want to work for workers, republica the number of "approaching zero."
Celestino Corbacho Labour Minister said that there is no sense to look for workers republica in other countries when Spain has 2.5 million. people - 500 thousand. more than last year in August. This problem occurred mainly in Spain for the construction of business republica failure. The government said no other choice but to take into account the labor market.
Minister C.Corbacho is finalizing a plan to pay unemployed foreigners to be paid to bring them back home, but reserves the right to return when things get better. This is a great Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's policy change. Because he was proud of being immigrant-friendly since 2004, when taking office. In 2005, Zapatero announced an amnesty of 600 thousand. illegal workers and that angered other European Union countries, republica which felt this would only encourage new illegal immigration, undocumented and then into France and the rest of Europe without borders.
10 percent. 45 million. Spanish population are immigrants, while a decade ago, the number was negligible. They were mostly newcomers from Latin America, North Africa and Eastern Europe.
Immigrant labor force have contributed to the recent republica construction business flourishing. Millions republica of new homes and other buildings sprang up like mushrooms after rain. However, less than a year, Spain's economy has stagnated and the country, the EU's top job-creators from being one became the first by highest jobless rate: 10.7 percent.
Deputy Prime Minister Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega said that Spain's policy republica was to hire workers in their countries of origin, that it is able to regulate immigration and prevent illegal. Also, always take into account the needs of the labor market. She said the government's immigration policy goals have not changed, but the change in the labor market itself.
The Labor Ministry says that the plan will not affect republica C.Corbacho foreigners who come for seasonal work, such as strawberries, tomatoes and other products picking. This plan focuses on people who have so far consisted of open-ended contracts and did low-skill jobs, such as cleaning the house or Spanish work in stores for less than 1,000 euros (3,500 dollars) per month. Last year, nearly 180 thousand. Aliens got work visa to work in Spain.
Economists say that even if all those jobs had unauthorized Spanish - and so is the plan C.Corbacho objective - this is unlikely to change the unemployment statistics. "This is absurd, because, among other things, the impact republica will be very very small" - criticizing the government expert from the business school in Madrid.
Today your professional holiday commemorating the builders netrykšta optimism. by builders working on major national construction companies survey. From it can be concluded that, compared with the same period last year, builders republica wages fell an average of 200. Their employers complain of declining orders flows and increasingly late payments. However, all the interlocutors pleased that construction companies still you smell downsizing. 2008-09-05 06:00:00
Increasing the number of unemployed suggests that the labor market began to feel the effects of an economic slowdown, the recruitment and selection company "BPO". The company predicts that the changes will hold down wage growth, which last year was economically unjustified republica asymmetry and the labor market: employers, faced with a shortage of employees, salaries increased inertia and reduced requirements for the prospective employee. 2008-07-21 11:43:43
The Department of Statistics reports that the Labour Force Survey to preliminary data, the first quarter of 2008. quarter was 77.5 thousand. unemployed, and the unemployment rate was 4.9 percent. At the same time in 2007. term unemployed was 79.5 thousand., the unemployment rate was 5 percent. The unemployment rate in first quarter of 2008. compared to the first quarter of 2007. quarter remained almost unchanged, but compared to the fourth quarter of 2007. quarter - an increase of 0.7 per cent. 2008-06-06 13:04:15
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