Executive dragon gate (Democratic co-executive dating sites and metal) for Lee, Kyung - Hoon gains in disappointment and resentment that could pack up. Of the vote in the first round of voting Democratic field that it is better than before the crash shows. Democratic elections and a spot in the 2009 finals in the 2011 election and the votes go up so much that, in 2011, the election of directors to the door dragon 'metal era "and was co-executive configure. But this election is 8.66% of the vote in the first round of voting for the last place one would. Expectation
Executive dragon door standard M / H for established M / H agreed to the establishment of the Joint Committee. M / H (top of hour) is "three years can be an hour or more skilled performance measures" stands for. Hyundai company side is a standard M / H apply to all plants try to make. This will work intensity increases. In addition, the production company side increased as planned personnel can be reduced. Then switch placement and 'free labor' dismissal (non-regular) possible.
However, a week for two consecutive shifts Executive dragon door problem was too many concessions. Decisions April 2012 representatives of three non-competition principles (labor flexibility, strengthen labor intensity, wage cuts for two consecutive weeks without shift) retreated from. Article 8 hours working time '1 / 2000000000008 hours 'not '1 Article 8 hours / 2000000000009 hours' as agreed. So, the labor intensity and working time is expected to strengthen as much unabated for two consecutive weeks in the form shifts were introduced. In addition, M / H agreed to a joint committee of labor flexibility gave way to the terminal. Dragon door leadership, Hyundai Motor company side, as part of the introduction of more flexible working part-time fixed-term employment contract is an agreement to adopt me away. Last year, only a provisional agreement was passed by 52 percent in favor.
Mintuwi look for this election is still a big disappointment and disillusionment seems. Mintuwi is 11 percent of the vote in the first round of voting stayed on the 4. Union leader and member of the recession mintuwi past memories of betrayal will still not go away. Sang Wook Lee, Hyosung executive solidarity strike in 2001 was withdrawn in 2005 as a non-regular ryugihyeok patriots patriots do not appreciate the criticism both inside and outside the factory. In particular, the 2008 Executive yunhaemo two consecutive days of the week while negotiations to finally shift to leave irresponsible concessions declined.
Irene and Lee, Kyung - Hoon and meet the candidates stopped, but the wiring, and Irene vivid seonbon Killer is moderate because it becomes difficult position. For two consecutive weeks prior to the shift of Irene candidate "for shorter working hours and higher statistics wages, but needs to discard a dual attitude," he also said. Maybe workers' I like the taste, the taste of butter margarine is better than butter "might be thought. Irene and Lee, Kyung - Hoon seonbon has pohamdwae Organization had come away from the group, for two consecutive weeks and a shift in the concession bargaining is a past master Irene seonbon yunhaemo upheld. Prospects and Challenges of struggle activists Hyundai
Hyundai workers' struggles statistics in the past two years that have survived and showed again. Nothing strikes and strikes to end the second consecutive year, the first half of this year, a struggle broke out refuse overtime. Refuse overtime struggle lasted a whopping 13 weeks. The unsatisfactory condition of dragon gate scanning line and the director agreed to let the workers stopped work and also protests naohmyeonseo workshop was runnin. Only one of these was a struggle of 10 years.
Lee, Kyung - Hoon is probably because of this atmosphere in an interview shortly after the election, statistics "Lim and distributive justice statistics to establish collective statistics bargaining fight right concentration" and "Day statistics 2 shifts the problem to finish" puts the emphasis on being "cheated the company's management, restructuring, layoffs, destroy unions, major disasters, collective bargaining violations, distributed denial, wage cuts, amount transferred to, vested interest in the event of a decrease in the critical situation and shuffled a powerful militant strike pragmatic route "would statistics had to adhere. Lee, Kyung - Hoon suspicion of sending executives to spot plenty of union members seems to be conscious of speaking.
In this article, the article topics such as: organized labor movement opposed to health care privatization daechaekwi statistics launch area - the hands unionization Corporation: "It was created Samsung have a union, we will not say no" part-time teachers gyodaesaeng opposition alliance of institutions following the suspension of the union turn to take over the baton to fight [Writer] part-time part-time contract officials say the actual situation of women civil servants - Women workers in low quality jobs, forcing the] time choice system officials oppose the introduction of [Kia restore running mate branch statistics of votes] Restore running mate Why could not support Hyundai Motor Branch struggle from now on should start to normalize normal wage struggle, followed by withdrawal force transferred to prepare the railway workers struggle gamyeo
new [2014 Migrant Workers May Day rally: "Korean workers, migrant workers, statistics the workers are masters join forces to fight this day will surely come" [Book Review, "Alba's pleasant rebellion"] How can we move beyond solidarity stands for Health oppose privatization launched local daechaekwi [Obama's youth and student groups opposed to cold press conference Obama hye and ordinary people are not interested in stability and peace at all [hands unionization Corporation: "It was created Samsung have a union, we will not say no" [U Spy manipulation case, Mr. Woo] making scapegoats of leading some of the security police organizations become frustrated [Obama's Asian tour - a military alliance with China to strengthen the containment
Stop the privatization of health care privatization of the railway workers 'struggles in East Asia struggle against imperialism, fascism and anti-fascist struggle, conflict and international issues statistics focused on workers' struggles Stop the privatization of health care privatization of the railway workers 'struggles in East Asia struggle against imperialism, fascism and anti-fascist struggle, conflict and international workers' struggles the latest online Main Menu Main article Articles Feature Articles General Articles Latest column letter must see online reader sponsored subscription current issue Post Last Edit 2014-04-29 PDF Search Focus Issues
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