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Worse, entering into our express train, social security good people but a lot of fits and so they and their huge bags are everywhere social security around us, and to me is a guy who looks happy to look like fleas and apparently wants to communicate.
Served my hand and says I and You From Elias, explain Kosice, a student and I ask where he is and where he's going, he says the name of a kind of Russian region and explains that they are Jews, and finally freed from the Russian communist hell and go to Israel.
Elias too bold for the entire train clarifies the years of suffering in Russia and euphoria when you crossed the border into Čechoslovakii where they feel so freely, without continuous monitoring of soldiers on the train and that they see civilians and almost no uniforms.
Also it have a little tame, we are in an alley near the window as herrings and balalaika apparently interferes standing next to a lady she is trying to move only allowed where, Elias noticed this and solved it quickly opens and balalaika Kysak before they can fly into blackness.
Elias explained social security that blew Lenin and Stalin together, social security and how lucky I live in the West, unaware of the Holocaust, genocide and famine in his family social security miraculously survived only he and sister in Israel, and his life begins now when is 40 years old.
Honestly, after such horror I found the courage to talk about the problems in our society, social security it would look ridiculous, but fortunately Elias started talking about the future and the path despite discomfort ubiehala than nothing.
For Trnavou gave me a pocket knife and clams, someone I did not want to take, but he looked so terribly offended, I thought to give him a coin päťkorunáčku, not in return, but as a matter landmark.
That made him very happy and told me how the Communists when leaving Russia social security wanted more time and last insult and what had to survive, and mentioned envy and hatred of ordinary people, in that they have managed to liberate from dictatorship.
They sold everything they had at home, a person could pack 70 kg of luggage, they officially part of rubles exchanged for dollars at the rate in which one U.S. dollar had a lower value than the ruble, due to propaganda and the rest of rubles on the black market where varied than even ten per dollar.
Ten dollar, which also gave me a landmark, not because of value, but because I was the first person on his way to freedom, which could tell their story and thought about fear, whether it's for something to happen.
In Bratislava we hugged, Elias went to Vienna and for me it meant meeting a lot of incredibly, I found that never give up and not only their own knowledge and common social security sense are the most important for understanding the truth.
My first year of study successfully completed, but I need the missing points, that I might gain the dorm, the only solution is the brigade and the most points is the channel digging for the construction of a new school social security in the Mill Valley.
And so once again the government from Bojnice digging as fools and now it's worse than last year when digging in Jasna at three houses, where we laid the foundations of the Winter Olympics, there was at least a shadow under the trees in the forest.
Site Manager comes with the guys and they joked that we conserve steam, that this will not last, lifting our standard, we that we are in the new building four years to graduate, as promised by the Minister and the guys almost fell into the pit and guffaws as horses.
Our enthusiasm skapalo when we explain the construction mess that all the errors and let my naive dolls wake up and let us learn that ideological crap no one hired and the construction will be delayed for at least 5 years or more.
Worse was that one of the workers Vilo, wacker me on Friday night and stopped at the hostel that invites me with a bunch of the currant wine in viecha Dubravka, I do not drink, and that he was to laugh if I want to insult the working class and I have never hub. Closed so that on Monday I barely lifted his mattock head Failure to listen to Vlado and I was able to describe the route on Tuesday and unreal experiences with a group, claiming that they are not communists but the laborers are the rulers of this country.
From Friday night to Sunday social security we presúvalii of viecha on a hill at the beginning Dúbravky to the city of Commerce, and at universities and other stone underground cellars at Faculty of Civil Engineering and memory I ended the Februárke the two levoch.
There Vilo loudly shouting that the working class will not defeat, social security he was twice in prison and three
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