Monday, March 24, 2014

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It was a big contradiction communist weapons politika and nowhere is it mentioned. The document "goodbye comrade" was stated that the arms race in the Soviet Union almost ruined the country. I would add that the Soviets put an incredible amount of money to the army and now it goes to scrap everything because it is outdated. Koli development Tehniki must arming anew. Thus, the Soviets did not give the money people. People can have the money as extra apartments, allowing them to withstand politika yet. It's one of the problems in eastern Germany, from apartments to them in the present male and right. This would be a good use of resources.
Write a few different problems. But mostly I have to say this: Democracy is priceless. Date company politika can says many political politika parties and NGOs. We are free, better ecology. But I have fed capitalism. To cough up da capitalism without Marx. Global inequities in living standards is huge and it solves capitalism withers. Today it is only on the economic race between firms (call it competition) and not building a global standard of living. One reason lies in the danger of such market prices and salaries are market! Business owners and workers are added-da should be. As is the case in countries with cheap labor. Solve these problems no existing political party. Socialists should call socialist capitalists and communists alike communist capitalists, as in China and in Russia during perestroika. While in China they have no yet it democracy! Is to discuss whether solved this state property, what you think. But he would be free and democratic. Informed thereof in writing. If you would only state property, it would not be capitalism! The difference is whether the voters were in favor of state property freely or forced. If they were free, no one would oppose could not argue. And do not anyone take violent or prohibited by other political parties! Should voters have expressed multiple, ie after several politika free elections for state property, it would be a free decision. Today is a national asset bugbear of the past that the freedom to not have to be frumpy. And I have a password: I really like democracy, but not like capitalism! , And ideas: 1, that capitalism must be subjected to criticism and pride in the fact that it is bad! Then you can start thinking of some other establishment. This establishment might not be exactly communism, but let it be anything other than today. 2, a distinction should be made - political democracy and economic capitalism, it should not be a single stack. Pos. I'm just a layman. So please do not write questions. What I have to say, I write it here. If you had something important exclusively for me, please let me know by email.
Headings What is someone modzog? (2) Ecology (3) a few good ideas (3) Politics, Society (all) (37) How might a well functioning state property in democracy and freedom. (8) Homelessness and poverty in Slovakia. (3) Errors bench (5) global inequities in living standards. (5) Where to lose money in capitalism (5) improved election system. (2) Other - politics, society (2) I really like the democracy, but not like capitalism! (2) bad things capitalism. (15) Natural disasters politika and prepare for them. (5) Slovaks in Hungary and to our south. (4) Sport (all) (4) Game, Game Systems-sport (1) Stadiums, halls. (3) Vision ideas. (4)
Links 1.1 billion people lack access to clean drinking water As for communism impediment to growth. Bacteriophages - return "strange" Bankruptcy treatment. Euronews document on TA3. Rich men rule the world, people have 8 percent 80percent politika Common property intonation problems in the media. r. 2007 Article of the more expensive hard drives traders and not the manufacturer after the floods. Article in stating what a subsistence minimum and benefitformaterialneed. Tax havens hid 32 trillion. Tax evasion deprives union of one trillion euros per year Today it's the world only on the economic race between firms. www.firmy.etrend Two fifths of Slovaks living in a crowded apartment or house ecology, cradle to cradle ecology. Utilizing the concept of cradle to cradle practical philosopher Peffer: Let's think oalternatívach to capitalism Gasparovic gave trade unions for the truth, workers politika are underestimates

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