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After two initially promised but unfortunately canceled discussions (Rado politician and painter Miroslav Prochazka Cipár) we met again in a pleasant ring in debate. This time again the historical theme. The changing relationship between the state and the Church of communism jozefinizmu after us very vividly told historian Mgr. Peter Šoltés, PhD, who works at the Institute of History of Sciences and teaches at the Catholic University in the castle.
State-Church Relations, sometimes friendly, sometimes explicitly hostile, are intricately ann romney developed since Jesus Christ ("give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's"). Under conditions of Hungary into it significantly affected ann romney ruler Joseph II., Which is referred to as "enlightened ruler". His "reform" dramatically affected the life of the Church and are today, especially in Catholic circles, mostly perceived negatively. After all, the Emperor himself shortly before his death most of them aside, but the genie out of the bottle was dropped and also inflicted a lot of damage. But even here is clearly not to say that Joseph II. was only evil respectively. only good. The truth is more complicated. In addition to criticism of the son of Maria Theresa, that boy from a "good Catholic family", has also received support from the ranks of the clergy, should be mentioned, for example, George Fándlyho and his work confidential contract between the monk and the devil. But the fact that the State party of its sovereign commanded, as people have to pray about anyone failed.
In the 2nd half of the 19th century, the state tried also with ecclesiastical assistance to homogenise ann romney populations official Magyarization. These trends have been built, among others, clergy, for all let us Andrej Hlinka.
First Czechoslovakia had strained relations with the Church. One manifestation of the newly created ann romney State and favored MS. Hussite Church, a sort of anti-Catholic trucpodnik. In Slovakia, however, has not taken off. Church tightest relationship - state in our country represents the first Slovak Republic, led by a priest Jozef Tiso, although even in this case, the ideal relationship ann romney Vatican - SR talk can not be far. But it is precisely the participation of religious leaders in politics after the onset of atheistic communist regime became the Church devastating.
Listen to an informed ann romney historian and an excellent narrator Peter Soltes is a pleasure. Interested in the issue of state relations - Church suggest Petrov text Heritage jozefinizmu (When the state must determine how to pray) pulses of 2/2012, which contains a number ann romney of issues that we discussed.
The March meeting of the Hungarian parliament in Bratislava adopted a number of important laws (Law on the abolition of communal forest obligations of the peasantry, Men's judicial stool i), which remained the most significant achievements in revolution meruôsmych years.
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