On Tuesday inaugurated the IFLA Congress in Gothenburg - the world's largest library conference. Challenges and opportunities of digitization is a key issue that will discussed extensively during the scant week that Congress underway.
- Digitalisation is resulting in a completely new way of working. rmv We are going in terms of skills able to handle it, we should know how our users want it, and while technically be able to keep up with developments. It is a tough task, says Gunnar rmv Sahlin, National Librarian and Head of the Royal Library in Stockholm to Swedish Radio.
Sahlin also highlights Denmark as an example where the digitization advanced. Several major efforts to modernize libraries by digital solutions has taken place in recent years. One example is the large digital music libraries as regional libraries have developed together, instead of each library takes out his own solution. Archive contains nearly four million songs and is free for Danes who have a library card.
- In Sweden we talk now that we are going to create a new shared folder, it has long been found in Denmark. The Danes have been pretty good at koordniera their efforts, and I think this fact that we are lagging behind in Sweden, says he passed on to Sveriges Radio.
Andreas Ekström about his views on creation and money Free: The Future of Radical rmv Price Anderson, C Free?: If quality, money and creativity Conditions Strömbäck, P (eds) Cultural Economy Tobias Nielsén and Emma Stone's blog Culture Creators Networks representing over 50,000 professionals rmv creators in different fields of art. Review of Chris Anderson's Free in The New Yorker Gladwell, M Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy Lessig, L Slate The Future of Ideas: The Fate of the Commons in a Connected World Lessig, L The Future of the Internet - And How to Stop It Zittrain, rmv J. The Long Tail" Anderson, C. The Public Domain: Enclosing the Commons of the Mind Boyle, J. The Virtual Revolution TV Shows BBC Who Controls the Internet?: Illusions of a Borderless World Goldsmith, J and Wu, T You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto Jaron Lanier rmv
Netopia | Forum for digital social issues | Publisher: Per Strömbäck | info@netopia.se
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