Monday, March 3, 2014

More and more often I come across ideas like these: Divorce is never good, but it may be the best o

More and more often I come across ideas like these: Divorce is never good, but it may be the best option, says Walter iem E. Williams If a group of people want a strong government control and control of people's lives, while another group prefers the freedom and wants to be left alone, they risk bloodshed and loss of life to impose their preferences on the other group? I believe that our nation has reached a point where there are so many irreconcilable differences between those Americans who want to control other Americans and those Americans who want to be left alone, that separation is the only peaceful option. The problem our nation faces is like a marriage where one partner has an established pattern iem of ignoring and breaking marital vows. Furthermore, the defaulting partner does not intend to improve. Of course, the marriage remains intact while one party tries to impose their will on the other and engaged in dishonesty, gamesmanship and retribution. But instead of dominance or submission by one party or domestic violence, it is more peaceful alternative separation. Without separation, those who believe in freedom to continue to be abused in the form of steadily escalating degradation of the Constitution. (The Constitution.) Article I, Section 8 of our Constitution lists the activities which Congress is authorized to tax and spend money on. Nowhere on the list gives the Congress the right to tax and spend for: Medicare, pensions, iem public education, farm subsidies, "banking and business bailouts," food stamps and thousands of other activities that represent roughly two-thirds of the federal budget. It does not give Congress the task of determining what type of health insurance iem citizen must buy, how states and people can use their land, the speed at which they can drive, whether a library has wheelchair ramps and how many liters of water used to flush the toilet. The list of Congress in violation of both the spirit and the words of the Constitution is virtually without end. Our completely useless Supreme Court has given Congress iem permission to do just about anything they can get majority. Here's what Daniel Branch Field: 'America's Two-party functioned as both parties, for the most part, not been supporters of autocracy. Exceptions - such as FDR - did great harm, but their influence was limited. What has changed is the degree of mobilization, coordination and integration from the Left. Social institutions, large corporations, the media, trade unions, NGOs and educational institutions have grown together into a totalitarian entity with an agenda. This situation exceeds democracy and can not be resolved through democratic elections ...... Every area of life is being politicized iem and this politicization occurs not as a result of choice and can not be stopped by mere choice. Politicization of everything is a sign of a totalitarian takeover. Because if you politicize one thing, it claims ownership over it. Universal politicization means absolute power to those who politicize ... "This has been allowed to happen, iem because many people who live in this country have wanted it to happen. But those of us who are still "Americans" have never done it. It would be better if we could just go our separate ways, rather than submit to tyranny or threatens to destroy what is left of America into a second civil war. But the possibility of reconciliation with the kind of people who gave Obama the power seems absurd.
Daniel Branch Field might as well have described Sweden. Every week I think of a two-state solution for Sweden. But how is it practical to go to? Americans are accustomed to think of federal states the right to secede from the Union, the issue was discussed iem well half seriously a few years ago when the liberals on the East Coast toying with the idea? And so we have the great American trauma 1861-65. But Sweden! No, unfortunately they seem to strongly dissatisfied only consider emigration. Wisely perhaps, because seriously, the issue of two Swedes States is so foreign to Swedish culture that it would never take off. Then it is easier to think in terms of a kind of "palace coup" from secret pockets of resistance within the establishment, though iem it seems rather unlikely that too, however ventilated in the novel The black wall of Carl-Henning Wijkmark. Friday, February 21, 2014 Christer said ... It can be left never agree. This clears iem the host animal. Friday, February 21, 2014
2014 (80) March (5) February (37) The founder iem of Greenpeace Black History Cui Bono Obama and his god Ukraine-more important than we think Junk or Art? Operation America Our Week in Review The entire planet is angry and seems to prepare for ...

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