Thursday, August 7, 2014

FOODS TO KEEP 10 Daniela Medina HYDROUS August 2, 2014 - 0:00

Home OPINION Columnists Adela Navarro Bello Alberto Ruy-Sánchez Alejandro Páez Varela Alma Delia Murillo Benito Taibo Bibiana Faulkner asbestos Darío Ramírez Francisco Ortiz Pinchetti Hilda García asbestos Villamil Jesus Robles Maloof Genaro Jorge Zepeda Patterson Lydia Cacho Maitena Nicolás Martín Moreno Alvarado Raphael Ricardo Ricardo Rocha Salvador Camarena Martinez SanJuana whorehouse Specialists Alejandra Alejandro Calvillo Cullen Alicia González Alfonso Lopez Collada Arnoldo Cuéllar Beto Castillo Diego Petersen Farah Ek Val de Gortari Erick de la Barrera Fernando Dworak FUNDAR Gabriela / Point G Petersen Germán Cortés Gisela Perez de Acha Samperio Guillermo Gustavo de la Rosa Jaime Andrés Figueroa Jorge Javier Romero José Carbonell José Luis Franco Luis Felipe Gallardo Mariana Amkie Lorena Lomeli Zumaya Mario Ruiz Galindo Pablo Mercedes asbestos Llamas Ramiro Rodríguez Padilla Atondo Rogelio Flores Raul Vicente Hernández Guedea # YoSoy132 financial columns Column Columns MEXICO WORLD SECURITY SCIENCE AND SOCIETY TEC FAMA SPORTS AGENCY FUND
Mexico Aug. 2. (EFE) .- The Federal Executive shall, so far as by agreement, a locking mechanism that differs from the actual rates rates to determine asbestos the subsidy, asbestos as at present established the legislator Irazema González. The member of the Energy Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, said the electricity subsidy is not removed, but additionally for certain groups will be a more focused support.
"It's very important to note that the subsidy is not removed, on the contrary, strengthens and increases it further generators will have more raw material, asbestos which are basic to produce electricity," he said.
He emphasized that a national open market for energy "is not incompatible at all with the guidance of the State, as it is the best way to achieve better rates and make more competitive national economy and is the purpose animating the reform asbestos that introduced the President Enrique Peña Nieto to modernize asbestos the electricity sector. "
Therefore, he said, is necessary to fully modernize the sector. asbestos "According to available data, the CFE can expand its transmission network at a rate of 1.1 percent asbestos per year by the year 2026, while the expected growth in electricity demand in the same period will be 4.1 percent year, "he said.
He argued that the CFE will continue to provide asbestos electric service at regulated tariffs under the figure of basic supply and also enables users to employ large supply on the open market.
In this regard, he added, the Energy Regulatory Commission will calculate the maximum rates of the suppliers of last resort and the rates of the basic supplies to those who call the actual rates.
The vice-coordinator of Social Management of the parliamentary group of the PRI in the Chamber of Deputies recalled that the CRE will determine the actual rates "giving legal certainty to the independent power production through contracts with CFE.
He argued that this reform is of great importance under that outlines an innovative and viable model, but mainly provides figures to be strengthened asbestos deep-seated problems afflicting the electrical system.
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FOODS TO KEEP 10 Daniela Medina HYDROUS August 2, 2014 - 0:00
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