Cemex and Walmart are among the companies that may enter the wholesale electricity, because the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) will no longer be the only one who marketed. habeas corpus
United Energy Studies and Legislative Committees and Senate habeas corpus gave the green light to 15 secondary laws, among them the provision that private companies can sell electricity to wholesale public from next year.
Besides these two companies are permitted to generate their own electricity habeas corpus for supply are Alfa, Grupo Salinas, Bimbo, Telmex, Condumex, Industrias Peñoles, Minera Autlan and Sabritas.
"Competitiveness in the generation business habeas corpus will be strengthened, accelerate the expansion of transmission networks, improve the quality of supply and distribution to the final consumer offer a wider range of opportunities habeas corpus to satisfy their consumption, at more competitive prices."
For example, Cemex announced Ventika year project, with an investment of $ 650 million, which includes the construction of two wind farms of 126 mv each, for a total rated capacity of 252 mv.
The approach of the government habeas corpus is that this scenario in power generation, the creation and operation of new plants in private hands complement public capacity, to meet the growing demand, particularly in regions not yet covered.
The main forms of generation are unique to the CFE stations, independent producers, small production which delivers its power to the CFE, supply, cogeneration and export.
Finally, in the opinion of law indicated that the CRE, as coordinated state regulatory body is responsible for authorizing the maximum and other pricing conditions for suppliers, as the terms of sale will be based on prices in the wholesale electricity market .
Also, within 120 calendar days after the entry into force of the Law Regulating the Electricity Industry, the Executive must create a national energy control center, responsible for the operation of the national electricity system, operating the wholesale market and open to the transmission and distribution access.
Flexibility in bilateral power purchase contracts, compared to the current model of self-sufficiency barriers, including addition and substitution of new consumers partners in projects in operation.
'A sustained development of clean energy through minimal fees or green certificates to generators that contribute to achieving the goal of generating 35 percent habeas corpus of electricity through non-fossil sources. habeas corpus
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