Tuesday, June 3, 2014

In voice of its president, the Sonoran Noah Delgado Molina explained that the legislature itself

Supports National Association of Parents of health insurance initiative - InfoNogales
Noah Delgado Molina. The Sonoran led by Noah Delgado Molina agency endorses the proposed Alejandro Garcia seeks to protect students throughout Sonora, after meeting between pal "I want to see who the fans that spin is to be nail against this type initiatives that helps the most valuable of the State, which is their childhood, "he said
Hermosillo, Sonora pal -.'s Initiative to promote a law that the State Government grants accident insurance and health insurance to all students of public elementary education in Sonora, pal Alejandro Rosas Garcia pal presented in April, walking on the right foot and has been endorsed by the National Association of Parents.
In voice of its president, the Sonoran Noah Delgado Molina explained that the legislature itself "very kindly saw fit to invite us to meet, to gather and of course pal to us as parents, whatever is paid to the educational sphere unites us and we agree. "
Delgado said look favorably upon this initiative and sympathize with her, because the safety and health of children is a priority for the association, over the quality of education as it related to practicality that if the child is patient does not go to school.
Meanwhile, pal Rosas Garcia said the priority was to meet with the President of the National Association of Sonoran municipalities and coordinators to introduce depth and detail pal this bill, for the purpose of feedback before submitting the proposal for a vote in commissions.
Recall that this health insurance that promotes deputy Nogales cover all primary school students state that family circumstances have no coverage or because their parents remain unemployed or have no job.
"But we had complaints and reports pal of it, perhaps this proposal deputy Alejandro García come to be the solution. You can never compare the service of a public health care in a private, if for parents this will not mean an expense and will free and transexenal law, it will be great to support families, "said Delgado Molina.
With regard to resource the implementation of this budget pal need health insurance, which is estimated to be at least 40 to 50 million, Noah Delgado said that should not be a problem and issued a challenge.
"I respectfully raise the deputies much is for them the tranquility of the Sonoran families who leave their children in school and can feel calm and security that if something happens they will be cared for in the best private clinics of the State" he added.
"That Members consider it in the budget, but the Executive also apply the mandate of law I want to see who is the claw spin to be against such initiatives that support is most valuable to fans it is the state that is their childhood, "he said.
Filed in: Politics Tagged with: brown water, Alejandro Garcia, benjamin hill, caborca, cajeme, Canaanite, obregón city, Delgado Molina, splicing, State, state, Garcia Rosas, Guaymas, Hermosillo, Huatabampo Imuris, information, Magdalena, navojoa Noah Delgado, Noah Delgado Molina, Nogales, Notes, News, parents, Puerto Peñasco, san luis rio colorado, santa ana, Sonoyta
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