Wednesday, June 4, 2014

-Ensure the quality affiliate services, timely and satisfactory-Managing health risks to efficiency

Health providers give their approval SENASA calc services, the National Health Insurance (SENASA) from the study of the polling firm NewLink Group Research in the current quality standards, transparency and innovation on the part of providers was assessed Health Service (PSS) and answering the study cpncluyendo Manager health state is the best in Dominican Republic. Besides being one of the best places to work in the health sector.
This was confirmed That the CEO of the National Health Insurance "SENASA" Altagracia Guzman Marcelino, the meeting that took place in the administrative building of SENASA. According to the Summary of the survey results presented them Vielka Polanco Morales, director of NewLink, the study was based on a sample of 972 service providers have a margin calc of error of 3% and a confidence level of 95 %. Those are the technical data of the study.
In assessing the above quality calc standards, 62% of PSS said SENASA is the best manager of health risks Dominican, making take a note on the Dominican Social Security calc System (SDSS), which consists of 24 ARS, represent 39% of the rating of the study conducted.
While 74% of providers SENASA recommend to family, friends, coworkers and acquaintances. The study shows that the health care providers who use SENASA, private and public are:
Born with the enactment calc of the law 87-01, creating calc the Dominican Social Security System. By this Act is established SENASA, the autonomous and decentralized public institution responsible for managing the health risks of tax-subsidized public sector and private sector subsidized calc contributory, contributory and affiliates.
On September 4, 2002 was granted, via Resolution No. 00052-2002 of the Superintendence of Health and Labor Risks (SISALRIL) crediting calc to SENASA, authorized to be administrator of health risks in the Dominican Social Security System.
-Ensure the quality affiliate services, timely and satisfactory-Managing health risks to efficiency, equity and effectiveness-Organize a national network of health care providers with criteria devolution / decentralization-hire and pay providers health in the form and conditions calc prescribed by this Act for the remaining health risk administrators (ARS)-Render periodic reports to the National Council calc for Social calc Security Fund (CNSS) and the Superintendence of Health and Labor Risks on resource management to ensure efficient and transparent use. Mission:
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