Monday, June 16, 2014

Besides Makis Voridis reported to have said

The new "tenant" Aristotelous Makis Voridis, is a close friendship with the former. This is pretty much known. But what is not known is what happened once they announced the names of new ministers ... Demeter Efthimiadou eta appears exceedingly annoyed by the former Health eta Minister Adonis eta Georgiadis with his close friend Maki Voridis taken its place. The k.Georgiadis as they say authoritative information, was embittered eta by the new minister as it considers that it should not take the position in which he has given all of himself lately, and lifting the burden of communication government. The k.Georgiadis such well-informed sources say was distracted in the early hours with his friend and the new Minister of Health and is not indicative that even chatted on the phone. Of course in anger Adonis intervened his close associates who argued in favor Voridis on the grounds that he could not refuse the prime minister.
Besides Makis Voridis reported to have said "no" in the past ministerial chair suggested that Antonis Samaras. However with the passage of hours, stop Adonis Georgiadis bent given that many colleagues are colleagues and Maki Voridis persons who attempted to bridge the rift that went to create. Indeed it is striking that all the backroom processes made by telephone between Adonis Georgiadis and colleagues trying for hours to change the terms, as the k.Georgiadis went to day ministry reshuffle. Besides learned early afternoon that will be out of government eta via its own Antonis Samaras. Ultimately, however, the two men-former and current-evening Monday chatted among themselves but to be able to find them. The rift created between them, does not seem to be easily bridged. Relations eta between the former friends have broken sealant and it is unknown whether the future will be able to return to the previous state ...
The "Cape Ray" spews cancer and death for many generations coast of Crete. Nisi Ghost! Voted Zagorakis, "blackened" space scientist! And then Secrecy about who govern us Australia says NO to Islam is the second time I do!

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