Sunday, May 17, 2015

I have always accepted the rules of democracy surely presidential debate imperfect, and I

A few brief words to make you reminds the resignation of councilman of our council as a result of the ruling of me criminally presidential debate charged, along with fifty other people, for having voted for the salary of Director of Safety of Catalonia, in early 2010, when it was part of its Board of Directors.
I sincerely believe that the charge presidential debate is a legal nonsense, but I understand from the social turbulence generated about everything that has to do with the financial institutions of this country. Few complaints to the prosecutor or to the judge.
I am aware that no law requires me to give up the position, but I do it from the intimate and personal conviction presidential debate that those whom we love carrying the public thing we must not only be honest, but it seemed. The city council of Montblanc is playing very strong in many areas. presidential debate We have achieved a unity government with strong leadership skills and social presidential debate groups. And this can not be harmed by having its members accused person; we weaken; and I do not want Montblanc or weaken his government. I do not want to be the easy excuse to attack a "ways to do" to which I would have liked to help them achieve excellence.
I have always accepted the rules of democracy surely presidential debate imperfect, and I've applied although nobody asks me, and although it is intimately convinced that there is nothing that is criminally punishable in my performance as a director of that savings.
I can not conclude without taking advantage of this opportunity to thank all Montblanc Montblanc and the opportunity given to me to serve my people and my people. Especially voters presidential debate of understanding that were made possible, and so much more special for those who during these almost two and a half years have helped me wrong minimized. presidential debate Serve also thanks to all employees of the town hall, which have made the job easy and enjoyable.
Needless to say I will offer you collaboration- and all councilors and regidores- for everything that think may be useful to the people of Montblanc, and if any action, opinion or comment I bothered someone -politics, coach, official or treballador- to ask apologies; never be sure, my intention.
Leaving public office does not mean giving up ideas, so we will continue finding all the trenches that have to do with defending the rights presidential debate of workers, the people who have less, farmers, the self, the environment presidential debate and, of course, the national law, to achieve full freedom embodied in the independence of Catalonia.
This year in plenary Medieval has honored two women, two teachers. presidential debate Daughters of a generation that was still rare that ...

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