Monday, May 18, 2015

I am absolutely against any coercion to limit my freedom to work. THAT is why I am against strikes,

I am absolutely against any coercion to limit my freedom to work. THAT is why I am against strikes, picketing union and any kind of violence m'impedisca free movement and access to my workplace. That is consistent with an exercise position, as shown in my total rejection of the violation of these freedoms,
WHAT I withdraw the benefit of the 8-hour day, since this benefit was obtained through strikes, pickets and violence, and they m'aplique day 15 hours before the current mig33 unfair obtain this benefit. What can I withdraw the benefit of weekly rest days, since this benefit was obtained by strikes, pickets and violence and m'aplique mig33 be obliged to work without rest, from Monday to Monday. mig33 WHAT I withdraw the benefit of holidays, since this benefit was obtained through strikes, pickets and violence and m'aplique be obliged to work tirelessly 365 days a year. WHAT I withdraw the benefit of bonuses, as this benefit was obtained through strikes, pickets and violence and m'aplique be obliged to collect only 12 payments per year. WHAT I withdraw the benefits of maternity, marriage, death, etc., since these benefits were obtained through strikes, pickets and violence mig33 and m'aplique be required to work without the right floor for this reason . WHAT I withdraw the benefit of sick, because this benefit was obtained through strikes, pickets and violence and m'aplique be obliged to work even who is seriously ill. WHAT I withdraw the benefits of contributions to Social Security and unemployment, since these benefits were obtained through strikes, pickets mig33 and violence. I m'encarregaré paid to obtain medical care and does not have spare for when Overalls. And in general, I removed all the benefits through strikes, pickets and violence are not considered in this writing. Declare also to surrender expressly, complete and permanent benefit to any present mig33 or future that is achieved by this strike and any and all future strikes.
This is a space to participate freely and it is not our intention to enter the censorship of any kind, even if they are critical of the ideas exposed us. But, because we are not responsible for the ideas expressed here, we can not allow its behalf to third parties unrelated accusations without evidence and anonymously. Therefore, any message that accuse a person outside the political realm and that does not have any identification will be deleted. We hope you understand.
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