Recently people were observe that it is best Senator Hillary Clinton, submit competing in the US presidential struggle. That is, after Senator Barack Obama, winning in 12 states series. Yesterday Senator Clinton won the states of Ohio and Texas that have many members who will vote in the general meeting of Democrats in August. These membranes are adopting candidate. With his victory Obama still holds a majority of votes. In fact I have delighted these past two weeks to see how Mama Clinton slow down the name of Obama. Mara will say he can not be sure that not a Muslim. kate middleton baby And he did it deliberately because he knows Americans are fearful and Muslims after the 9/11 attacks. Then they raised the picture was yopiga Kenya Somali wearing clothing in 2006. And there are other evils which it undertook campaigns. May I know that discrimination still exists in America. Particularly in these northern states. I do not know if you heard what happened yesterday in Ohio in black areas. Blacks turned out in bulk to vote but failed. Example, one section were 50 votes and 300 people came forward. So many people were unable to vote. Obama had people ask the judge who ordered the basics of voting zikae more exposed for one hour so that people have an opportunity to vote. Similar problems have occurred here Massachusetts kate middleton baby on black staffed during our Governor, Deval Patrick, was vyogombania. Also in Ohio, there were problems hit, an error machine, bombs and other threats. Then barbarians like Rush Limbaugh, asked Senator Clinton wampigie purpose Republicans Obama should defeat. He said Clinton was victorious, will increasingly pour mud Obama. Politics sir! Today, Hillary suggests kate middleton baby that if he chuguliwa that Democrats will elect a candidate that Obama running kate middleton baby mate, that is his deputy. kate middleton baby I do not know if I would have meant Obama would agree that Mama Clinton has shown he has violence in it. Is willing to do anything to win. Bush also departs January 2009, will leave the country with a very bad economic situation and everything. Who will win will be a big job ahead of him. God bless him who won. For more information, read: http: // www.
Your analysis kate middleton baby is good, though you are talking biased.Mbona impact of skendo of Rezko, where Obama recently appeared completely overwhelmed with questions mapaparazi? How about its instability in the terms of NAFTA? Say discrimination is one of the reasons he is failing ku-miss point , the previous je consecutive kate middleton baby wins for Obama in states zilizikuwa only black? Maybe this article kate middleton baby can help you remove the washington post its bias ktk analysis 04 / AR2008030403392.html? hpid = topnews March 05, 2008 6:34 PM
Anonymous to 3:34 PM, thank you for your contribution. That skandali of Rezko I have heard and that Obama bought the land at a price Chee. But these women have skandali Clinton larger than that of Rezko. kate middleton baby They have Whitewater. Experts say that Obama is "Small kate middleton baby Potatoes" Maybe people have forgotten. Analyzing the topic of its own needs. Thank you. March 05, 2008 8:25 PM
If the Clintons have skendo heavier than that of Obama then he (Obama) is attacked by staying silent, no need really to compassion? Subject to not to agree, Obama has been received special treatment from media even on ma-conservative as FOX.Of Recent, kate middleton baby Billy O "Reilly has been complaining openly about whether CBS stations which have been an easy ride.Kwa vikimpa Obama certainly did not the primary cause of failure Ohio and Texas.Kama ishu is an exception, in another won vp Including states that are predominantly White? In fact, at the Clintons have been so harsh to Obama bcoz if they make the argument that Obama has been a chairman of subcommettee Flani of foreign affairs and has convened a meeting kate middleton baby even once, it resolved-support claims that its agenda of hope is hypotherical than Practical. He Had to win bcoz Hillary has been a target kate middleton baby of every corner, and Obama is only abt scrutiny this past week. See this example of media bias from the quoted kate middleton baby "a search of major world exis Tuesday Newspapers 2568 yielded hits for the words" Clinton "and" Hsu "versus only 426 for the words" Obama "and" Rezko. "Expanding the Include search to all media outlets, the Clinton kate middleton baby / Hsu query produced more than 3,000 hits, while Obama / Rezko turned up 1741 "You can read the entire article at this link .html Also Gallup Poll shows Hillary has returned to the top nation-wide And those who complain may be too point http: / / Sorry I wish also put links nyingi.Mie
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