Thursday, December 18, 2014

Such corporations own model of cultural values shaped by the West, where a special center includes

A man without memory is a slave. The people with no memory ceases to exist. While we are every day more we forget there is someone who remembers. Orwellian put our big brother. His name still do not know but as things stand will not be a big problem and that we know when we are going to forget.
The period after the end of the Cold War marked as a day of progress, prosperity, science and technology with liberal democracy to all general knowledge, followed by the highest virtue of wisdom. The process that is supposed to unite all this populist is called globalization. Defined as the process of universal acceptance of the value of the cosmopolitan civilization in order to improve cnas the quality cnas of human life and to create an economic system with a free market that will establish a utopian new order. Instead obtained era kleptocracy where the utopian cnas order turned into a one-sided system of technical, economic, political and cultural control globally. Although critics of this process most prominent economic globalization danger I think the main toxin in the desire to create cnas a cultural one-sidedness or cultural form for the masses known by the term mass culture.
The term gives an indication that it is a culture that encourages the masses of the people or not, its global significance is that it produces, promotes and sells the masses of people. For the IT and networked society a large number of people are being bombarded daily enormous amount of meaningless information leading to saturation and end the desire to own pursuit of knowledge. Cultural values cnas are artificially produced hypnotic and are related to the information and whose effect cnas is seen today in the media, movies, books, music, art, etc ... National culture slowly lose their importance while in their place come the cultural corporations.
Such corporations own model of cultural values shaped by the West, where a special center includes the United States and then through the process of globalization or westernization cnas trying to copy over other cultures. This can easily be seen by looking at the national television station where one of the other national news only, a black chronicle of news. Historical and cultural almost no emissions because they are not profitable. That leaves only copies of westernized reality program, and if somebody told and desire for something else besides entertainment channels can always satisfy cable television and channels cnas such as "History" or "Discovery chanel" through which in turn propagates a uniformed model of cultural -istorijskih values and data. The creators of this media-mindedness may appoint a simple view of who controls the media in the center of Westernization USA. These are konglemorati cnas "Time cnas Warner Inc.", "Sony Corporation", "The Walt Disney Company," "News Corporation", "Viacom Inc." cnas under whose control about 90 percent of the media. What is their impact on the rest of the world leave you thinking.
The products of these konglemorata, corporations such as "Sony cnas Pictures Entertainment, Inc.", "Universal Studios", "Walt Disney Pictures'" Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. "," Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation "and" cnas Paramount Pictures Corporation "control production, about 95 percent of all films in the US, they are literally the film industry. This claim can be easily tested by going to the local theater and see attitude projection of American and non-American films with special reference whether domestic cnas or foreign films that have linguistic difference from those of the dominant cinematic built by its cultural and national cnas model or are only a copy of the Hollywood dream factory. Because of the Assembly of the corporation is to disappear differences, we all start to copy their products and there is no question of who owns what if a multinational company or a national when the product is the same. These procedures and what little competition disappears.
Music has also become part of the conglomerate industry. Companies cnas such as "Universal Music Group", "Sony Music Entertainment", "Warner Music Group" and "EMI Group" together have about 80 percent share of the US music market in the world, cnas while about 70 percent. It is clear who dictated the pace of the music and whose output spins at radio stations. cnas The National Anthem was replaced by the "Top 10" list of the most popular songs.
Value systems were once shaped by social institutions such as family, school, church, and today has a championship corporate culture in all its forms and its propaganda. Changes in the value system within our society can be escorted through the genesis of a broadcaster.
Broadcaster "Pink" was founded in 1993 solely for entertainment. Whose dedicated purpose was to put a pink scarf over the eyes of the citizens of Serbia and take a

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