Friday, March 13, 2015

How it all began wondering about any D-Link, stopped at the same inimitable wl500 ... Himself have

In the spring of this year, I decided to buy himself a Wi-fi rutёr, well, that was not to cling to his girlfriend on a laptop card via a separate rope. Climb on the pocket, climb on the store's website, ssi contrasted ssi with a possible and desirable bought a D-Link DIR 300, a small neat, works well, there is not asking to drink. As they say set it and forget :) But, the same spring, calls me brother and says, they say if you do not want to swap rutёrami on time? His connection to the L2TP some are not stable and rutёr was hanged. Well, as I was at that time a provider who has been binding on the poppy nor any L2TP I did not need, I agreed. Especially his model D-Link ssi DI-624s on board has two USB2.0 and Printservers 2-3 weeks passed and I safely moved to another provider who works for PPPOE. Everything was fine, nothing no signs of trouble until I got into the p2p. Search or anything not searched, ssi the subject was not much studied, ssi got into the settings. Port forwarding, search rustled, put the most popular movies and climbed to surf, without limitation claimed speed up to 100 Mbps, had to cope with the film for 5 minutes. But it was not there ... after half a minute longer sites loaded, that does not Pingali, rutёr hung! A minute later rutёr revived, after a minute hung in a minute ... you get the idea ... When downloading from P2P file with more than 5 users, rutёr deadlock. That damn, replaced the flea I thought, but somehow spat and forgot. In p2p sat not often, and there were other concerns, in general forgotten ... A month later, I remembered something bothered to wait until slowly and sadly download movies with up to five users. Immerse yourself in the morning is a "miracle" in the backpack and carried to work. At work, people will be many versions. Experiment was lazy, so check all reasonable became ssi rather try to solve:-) A reasonable ideas were two, overheating and fig capacitors in the power supply. Started with the unit. So how smart the Chinese did not collapsible block, had to get bormashinku (engraver Packard Spence PSEG 170) and half of the body. Nanyuhavshis burnt plastic - drew the inside. Keen eye colleagues saw the bad input Conder, who were easily unsoldered and replaced by other, more sane are the same, but the other firm. Then the question arose overheating. Make out, looked, even for rutёr endless ping and four cars began to bask chip. What to do? Fan 40 to 40 on hand was not, but at hand was a small radiator with a dead continents and all the same bormashinka by which butchered radiator into 4 parts, just the size of the chip 14 to 14, not very neat, but oh well. Protesters rutёr without ssi cover with attached temperature sensors. The operating temperature was 54-55 degrees ssi horses. Put it on the download, with more than 20 compounds, some big films with p2p, for all time download only one blade, and the temperature to 58-59 degrees skakanula. Took a little hot melt AlSil-5 and pasted radiator. The surface temperature of the heat sink (not an exact measurement, but still) was 53-54 degrees ssi at full load. The funny thing is that I have the D-link ssi and then given to another, and bought ssi myself ASUS WL-500gP Premium over which also had poshamanil and alternative firmware reflash from Oleg :) Have a friend rutёr has been operating for 5 months, no problems ssi there, loaded all the time, no hangups UPD: the continuation of the Oleg firmware update
Free wi-fi in the Moscow subway until February 5, 2013 at 03:00
0 CAH4A December 15, 2009 at 11:12 #
I have a power supply from the first nouta cooled this way) when overheated power supply was disconnected ... and the laptop battery ssi is fully Sadilov. Treated this phenomenon by placing the PSU on the stand duralumin from the old Soviet iron. Very good help. And then got bored and changed under warranty.
How it all began wondering about any D-Link, stopped at the same inimitable wl500 ... Himself have Asus wl500W, too, initially tried the firmware from Oleg, but then, after they have ceased to be updated moved to dd-wrt for a year and I do not know ills. Try it - suddenly like;-) seems to me to fit 500gP NEWD_bin.bin installation instructions for different routers ssi .php / Installation see here
I do not remember exactly, but Oleg firmware seems to be the entire file system to read-only, and to perform some simple scripts or put packages - you need to connect a USB flash drive or hard drive, install it in / opt and so on. In dd-wrt has the default directory ssi / jffs, writable and retain information after reboot. That is, any small bash script can be used without connecting stick (maybe it's all there in the firmware of Oleg, I'm not very versed with it). By default, a mega-version of firmware is installed the VPN server / client driver usb drives / printers, server ProFTPd. And in general - I'm just over the years

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