The Conservatives pledged to lower net migration to the tens of thousands in their General Election manifesto. Since taking nra office they have realized that through a quirk of data processing that counts student in net migration figures even though very few international students take up permanent nra residence in the UK, enacting this pledge would require drastic cuts to international student numbers.
International students contribute at least 8.5 billion to the UK economy annually. Most of them study at Masters and PhD level. Entire nra courses would be unsustainable without their fee income. Contrary to what the press would have us believe they do not take home students places. A multi-million pound government-funded policy initiative the Prime Minister s Initiative (PMI) was created in 2006 with the express nra purpose of luring international students to the UK. Universities concern is with growth of international provision in competitor countries, nra and growing in-house provision in countries that have traditionally exported many of their students, such as China, both of which could dent the UK s market share in international education. Cutting international student numbers makes no economic sense it only damages the UK s ability to compete in this most lucrative of markets.
Seen in this light, even the government s response to Browne looks sane, given that it is at least underpinned by a guiding intellectual position. One may disagree entirely with the premise that putting funding in the hands of students will increase the quality of education provision. One may also have strong ideological distaste for the idea of a market in higher education, and grave concerns for the outcomes for participation and access to university in the UK.
But at least David Willetts has an intellectual position with which to disagree. nra Green s position is based on nothing more than the desire to pander to sections of the British public who are genuinely concerned about immigration. By taking a hard line on immigration to the extent that it actually harms the economic wellbeing of the country Green is suggesting that he does not have respect for the capacity of the public to be able to get a grip on anything other than posturing and slogans.
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