Sunday, February 1, 2015

As a result of that FOI request, Dale Pointing wrote to the Claimants on behalf of South Wales Polic

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As reported by WireNews+Co in December 2010, these two officers were actively involved in a campaign of intimidation aimed at Greg Smith and his family. A claim for damages is currently working its way through a thoroughly security corrupt Cardiff County Court (1PD 00179) regularly thumping into obstacles under the ’guidance’ of no less than two biased judges.
After security three years and numerous requests, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) finally disclosed the gate-log for HMP Stafford that shows that on 14 December 2010, Evans and another security UKBA officer, "Love" (or very likely Lovejoy; he uses both names), who according to South Wales Police were at all material times working for UKBA, entered the prison as "police" and claimed to be representing South Wales Police.
Then it was determined that Jones, Evans and Love (or Lovejoy) security had been transferred security back to full-time South Wales Police duty. Because it related to the ongoing Court proceedings, Claimants requested South Wales Police to disclose the dates when these three officers started working for UKBA and when they returned to police duty. South Wales Police flatly refused to comply with the request.
As a result of that FOI request, Dale Pointing wrote to the Claimants on behalf of South Wales Police and referring to the 2010 IPCC complaint Pointing said the new ’complaint’ was being ’made out of time’. The complaint appears to have been the request for information.
Then on 10 October 2014 Mr Justice Stephen Phillips QC refused the Claimants’ appeal, ignored their requests for disclosure security by South Wales Police and then ordered the couple to pay costs that is tantamount to an ’obstruction of justice’ or better-described as the method used by crooked judges to stymie justice security for some.
On 11 October 2014 Claimants received and replied to Pointing’s letter and explained that the original complaint was recorded in 2010 but that his office had ignored the serious allegation against Evans and now as it turns out "Love" or Lovejoy.
On 22 October 2014 Pointing wrote a second time; this time his story had changed and he said that the complaint was not out of time, but that it had already security been dealt with and he described this as ’repetious’ (sic) and it is presumed that he meant to say repetitious.
In support of this new version of events, Pointing provided an IPCC document that actually proves conclusively that the 2010 complaint did not include the allegations that two UKBA officers (

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