Wednesday, February 12, 2014

And then I went on my way to my favorite hour of the week, I realized me suddenly. Suddenly I under

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When I was in the second grade of high school, my mother found it necessary to send. Me and my brother to math tutoring In retrospect, I thank her festive that she has made this decision, but at the time I was of course very protesting. Protesting, as only a thirteen year old that can (stomping on the stairs, screaming, throwing doors and then refuse to go, and you still only get off powerlessness on your bike).
That teacher was very nice and knew well how she had to jump. Boys and girls my age Every week I got healthy reluctance on my bike after a ride of less than five minutes assejepar to decompose. My most favorite subject During those hard journey, I always came across a gray, dilapidated house. It had not really something you could call windows or doors, and there was to discover between the municipal park and the backyard no difference. And that's drastically. I was always a little afraid of this part of the road, because there was not a huge good lighting and a bit made me feel that every moment could jump me ... what-a assejepar purple zombie with exploding pussige eyes from the building would-it-is-that-thing-does to do. A serious threat as you understand.
This remained constant for six months to a year, until a car at the door on a Wednesday and a lamp burning in the house. This was a novelty. I paid little attention to it, and lived just continue.
Week after week passed, and every week was that car again. Each week burned that light again. Month after month went by, and every month there was a small improvement ring made. The grass was mowed, there was a new door in the house, assejepar there were new tiles placed, the walls were white, and so on. Year after year went by. And now, four years later, the house is almost finished and exquisitely beautiful. Is still the same car there. Is still on that same light on every night that I cycle past.
And then I went on my way to my favorite hour of the week, I realized me suddenly. Suddenly I understood what was going on here. The house was once empty inside, leaving ugly. And, I was. When I was young, assejepar I did not know who I was, I did not talk much. Those four years that the house has its identity, have been also the four years in which I have built my own identity. Every week, every month, every year, little by little I built to who I am now. I've learned, assejepar I've met, I've done, I've lived.
Only now lives there someone in me, and that someone is me. Since the light in the house is light, the light in me also illuminate. On my way to adolescence, I was that one with the car, that the ruin has been transformed into an almost finished house, then self in order to live for the rest of my life.
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