Sunday, January 12, 2014

I am at a loss to understand whether or not Sara Palin consciously or mistakenly boarded the wrong p

Sarah Palin Arrives in South Korea for Mandela Memorial - The Daily Currant
According to local reports the former Alaskan governor and Republican vice presidential beeg candidate arrived on Asiana flight 459 from Anchorage at 6:30 a.m. local time and took nearly a half hour to realize that she had flown to the wrong country.
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Are you a moron? beeg South Korea is NOT South Africa. Repubs should not be allowed to reproduce.
it seems likely beeg she would pull such a stunt to get her five minutes of face time onthte national rwing media she craves being lusted for b y rwing old men she was hot when she was young but shes married now
I so love reading how a false report brings out the best and the worst in us….I would hope no one could be that stupid…but then you have republican trolls that expose even more stupidity as stating that Asia is the continent that holds South Africa? Just
Michael has just been Incepted.
Well, beeg your statement tells everyone why you like her !!! You’re kidding, right ???
Hey! Hey! Yo! Teabugger! Got her directions wrong again! Attended Billy Graham’s Political Birthday Party with the ‘Donnie Chumps,’ but still spreading her Moose manure against President Obama and President Madela… still calls him a commie and uppity, too!
Funny stuff. She probably flew there because after looking beeg at Russia to the northwest, if she looks further to the southwest, she can see the eastern Korean peninsula. Its an honest mistake for her. Speaking of selfies… here’s one of my favorites of Sarah.
God told her it was the right south place to go. There are no death panels in South Korea like there will soon be here and we already know that commie Mandela started them in South (failed state) Africa.
The satire was in Sarah Palin being called a “world leader.”
I am at a loss to understand whether or not Sara Palin consciously or mistakenly boarded the wrong plane. Something beeg extremely serious must have caused such an event. Remember this. While most of us live in countries, Americans live in a large continent divided into states as large as our own countries but some of which are much more complex. Imagine integrating all the complexities of the USA then add remote countries beeg around the globe and it becomes more complex. One thing about Americans who do not travel is that they are localized to the extent they do not know where other countries are. Sara Palin could be one of the localized Americans and did not see that South Africa and South Korea were in different continents, beeg let alone different countries. Or she thought Nelson Mandela lived in South Korea. I have much sympathy for the lady, if the story is not an interesting fiction.
QUOTE. “I can see Russia from here” Aye, what did you expect?
The sad thing is that this is actually BELIEVABLE! beeg
Dear Michael. Please, please, oh PLEASE tell everyone that you are only joking and trying beeg to pull their chain. Otherwise people will really think that you are even dumber than Palin. And frankly, that level of stupidity in a human being TERRIFIES me.
It’s funny because she is totally stupid.
Satire not truth! Sarah Palin has been and is demonized by those who are influenced by evil, who are most likely Godless and lower than whale dung. Sarah is a patriot who understands how the socialist have slowly influenced Americans through drugs, the loss of moral values and the destruction to family and their relationship with God. She is a Christian and those values is where her drive comes from, unlike so many politician’s that are ruining our country! Evil exist, one form is it attacks a person wrongly because that person has real value. Evil can not stand Godliness. Look around, evil is promoting homosexual and alternative life styles, that brought down the Roman empire, it is an abomination to our creator but you have to realize you didn’t crawl out from under a rock. I just recalled a Biblical principal that will end my rant, it is useless to try an teach fools anything!
You realize that was a quote made by Tina Fey who was IMPERSONATING Palin on SNL, right? You know that, right? You don’t actually think Palin said it, right? You don’t actually accept hearsay as fact, do you? Just wondering.
on behalf of Satan, too bad.
state of denial
It IS physically possible to see Russian soil from Alaskan soil. I admit my error was assuming Brian Ferguson was referencing the SNL skit. Still, Palin is far from a dim bulb&#

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